Call me a persistent SOB!
Since we lost our original website back in 2001, I have been lookin for a new free site to continue our class interactions since our experience....With the help of Ed "My Main Man" Morris, I have succeeded for a 2nd we all know "Success is gained by intense desire," as stated so succinctly by ACH!
So let's hope this site stays afloat!
Lets Keep the Communications going....Email me with your doins and family activities so we might share same with our c-mates
I have no set plan for the future of this site but will use the 'KISS' principle to maintain it with the ultimate hope of allowing each of us to stay in touch with our BHS '61 c-mates over the I-net via E-dialogue sharing our life experiences: memories of days gone by and those yet to be experienced as we move forward in time.
Email to:
Social media is a great venue for keep in touch so let's communicate with each other.....Facebook...Linkedin.....Twitter.....Email.....anything else U might be using to keep in touch with the world
My First try at Tinkering with WebSite edification.......I hope this Site will continue on for decades to come or at least till I no longer is its 'Editor'...........