Count down till our next BHS-1961 Class ReUnion August 27,28,29, 2021 as the projected reunion date: 37 DAZE....818 HOURS....53,280 MINUTES....3,196,800 of 07/22/2021 @4:00am.....PLEASE reply to Ron Luchini directly to the Blue Mountain email sent to you regarding holding a Combined reunion with the BHS-1960 class as Covid-19 pandemic put a postponement of their 60th reunion in 2020.
60th Reunion Weekend Details:
Friday Evening: Casual get to gether at Ron Luchini's house at 30225 Ednil Dr.,Bay Village. Pizza,lemonade,iced tea, soft drinks and wine will be served. BYOB if you wish. 7-10pm.
SATURDAY Daytime: Classmates are on their own to do as they please.
SATURDAY EVENING: 6-11 pm at Cambria Hotel in Avon. BYOB again. Wine will be served as well as soft drinks, etc. Buffet dinner will be served. Conversation and music from our era is the order of the night.
SUNDAY MORNING: Continental breakfast will be served at Walker Road Park in Bay Village/Avon Lake border. The Euclid Beach Rocket car will magically appear at 10am. An opportunity to say farewell for another 5 years!
CAMBRIA HOTEL: Reservation process -- A block of 5 rooms is being held for our reunion attendees until July 23 and if more are needed and AVAILABLE more will be added. Rate is $149 per night (the regular rate is $200 per night). Classmates MUST say they are part of the Bay Village High School reunion group when making their reservation or they will NOT get block rate.
ATTENDEES @60TH: Penny Antolik (Jim)...Norris Carpenter (Ruth)...Micheal Cherry (Dorothy)...Joan Eckert (O'Bannon)...Annette Jones (Yamada)...Dave Koelliker...Tim Kohl...Kathy Leahy (Spanton)...Ron Luchini...Domma Maynard (Simpson)...Rita Ross (Scott)...Jim Sadler (Ann)...Sue Van Oosten (Kocian)...John Wells (Ann)...Gary Wood.
C U ALL THERE ........ AND be sure to tell all your classmate friends WITHOUT an email about our 60th Reunion details and to keep in touch with Ron Luchini on this matter.
REMINDER --- U may purchase a copy of our BHS-1961 Yearbook at website