Classmates Informational Updates:
Bay's New Library: Visit the website to get the latest on the new library structure being built. Cozy Man: Moved to San Marcos, CA in 2020 and finds his new locale fits him to a "T"..... Ed Mack: Am still active in the work world as a seasonal Maintenance Associate @Norwich GC and Chanticlair GC cutting God's grasses and recycling beverage containers from these golf facilities as my hobby....Life is good and I take each day one at a time--My goal for the day is to wake up each morning, all else is frosting on the cake.....Retirement is not in my vocabulary: to many it are a 'sanctuary' for bordom...My belief is: U R born-work-die.
News Updates by BHS-1961 ClassMates on Their Activities & Life Style
This new page will be used to share classmate personal informational updates and BHS-1961 classmates should email the information they want posted to Ed Mack who will update this page accordingly.