BHS '61 Email Connections
LAST UPDATE 03-25-2024 NOTES: EMAIL addresses are listed in a form to prevent spam generation by automated web crawlers (e.g. baygrad at bayhigh dot com) WHEN SENDING EMAIL, USE THE CONVENTIONAL EMAIL FORMAT (e.g. Names with '#' are on FACEBOOK BIRTHDAY is shown as MM/DD or N/A Susan Acker (Archer) (AZ) 01/22 Diane Allison (Jockers) (FL) 03/25 Bo Andersen (CA) 11/25 Roger Anderson (TX) 09/27 Penny Antolik (Simoncic) (OH) 07/22 UNLOCATED Chris Atkin DECEASED 2016 George Aussem (OH) 11/13 #Karen Bailey (Cooper) (OH) DECEASED 2017 Dave Bain DECEASED 2013 #Alan Ball (FL) alanball64 at hotmail dot com 06/21 #Linda Bardes (MN) LBardes at aol dot com 09/07 #Barbara Bate (WA) bategofish at gmail dot com 03/11 Don Beedle/#Carol Saxon Beedle** DECEASED 2014 Phil Bell (OH) 01/06 Jeff Bishop (CA) 09/11 Barney Blank (FL) 06/01 Lynn "Horse" Bolling DECEASED 2013 Judy Bomgardner (Duffala) (FL) jduff97317 at aol dot com 02/08 Frank "Diamond Jim" Brady DECEASED 1999 Judy Brady (Hulswitt) (AZ) judy_372 at hotmail dot com 06/26 Pat Brady UNLOCATED Barbara Bramley DECEASED 1993 #Louana Brooks (Dickey) (OH) ldickey3boys at live dot com 05/20 Dave Browning (GA) dbrown5270 at aol dot com 02/11 Dick Brush DECEASED 2009 Don Brush (OH) 10/25 Sandra Bryce (Smythe) (MI) 09/30 Joyce Buchbinder (Toth) (OH) 04/26 Al Budnick (SC) abudnick at me dot com 12/13 Cynthia Cady (Young) (BC, CANADA) N/A Bill Campbell (OH) 02/27 Norris "Norm" Carpenter (AZ) carpJr1943 at gmail dot com 02/02 Francis Casey DECEASED 1984 Carol Chapman (Notermann) (MN) DECEASED 2024 #Michael Cherry, Esq (MI) judgemhc at yahoo dot com 09/19 #Candace Clark (Snyder) (CA) candacesnyder at sbcglobal dot net 06/14 John Clark UNLOCATED 04/28 #Chris Clarke (IN) christopherclark at comcast dot net 12/01 #Bev Cleverdon (Krebs) (FL) krebsbev at yahoo dot com 05/31 Sheryl Cooke DECEASED 1966 Lee Cooney (Asbeck) (FL) DECEASED 2020 #Dick Corrington (CA) dickcorrington at hotmail dot com 09/16 Sue Coulter (Weske) (OH) DECEASED 2021 Robert Crump DECEASED 2012 Midge Dadd (Decker) (IN) mdecker6859 at gmail dot com 01/27 #Dick Deutsch (NJ) dickdeutsch at aol dot com 05/15 Dale Dietrich (OH) cicbug at gmail dot com 04/24 #Helen 'Lily' Doty (OH) Ldoty5858 at gmail dot com 03/24 Judy Dulmage (Rogers) (AZ) jrog1 at cox dot net 10/30 Ellen Dunning DECEASED 2002 #Diane Dyer (Eberhardt) (MO) estell1 at charter dot net 04/26 Janet East (Blank) DECEASED 2021 Joan Eckert (O'Bannon) (OK) jmobannon at gmail dot com 03/23 Ken Egbertson DECEASED 1996 Larry Eger (FL) 05/06 Pat Emling (Brewer) (NC) pbrewernc at yahoo dot com 10/14 #Larry Eungard (TN) DECEASED 2021 Lynn Farrell DECEASED 1985 Karen Fay (Chambers) (0H) bluegrandma3 at sbcglobal dot net 05/10 Ray Fenwick (CA) rayfenwick at aol dot com 04/27 Jack Ferrier (TORONTO CANADA) j.ferrier at utoronto dot ca N/A Lonna Fischer (AZ) 09/03 #Alex Fleming (CA) healthwav at aol dot com 03/31 Peter Fleming (FL) flepet1 at hotmail dot com 06/03 Dr. Jay "Grappler" Forsyth (IL) suejay68 at hotmail dot com 11/18 Ken "Fuzzy" Foster (OH) 11/02 Len Friedel DECEASED 2015 Dr. William Gall (NJ) DECEASED 2017 #Al "Mother Al" Gedeon (FL) silviaandal at aol dot com 05/27 #Kathie Geffine (Carlson) (MI) kgcarlson at aol dot com 09/11 Gail Gog (Miller) (NC) 03/10 George Gosnick (OH) 07/28 Susan Gould (Small) DECEASED 2003 Jane Greves (Buck) DECEASED 1989 Dr Richard Groshong (FL) rhgroshong at cs dot com 08/10 #Gayle Grossman (Floyd) (VA) gaylefloyd.uu at gmail dot com 08/19 Susan Grossman (VA) grosharp at verizon dot net 04/15 Karl Gunberg DECEASED 1959 Marge Haller (Marshall) (TX) marshall.mh5626 at att dot net 01/17 Jim Hamilton DECEASED 2012 # Ann "What a Riot" Hardy (Pettengill) (CT) annpettingil13 at gmail dot com 12/14 # Roger Harris (OH) 04/23 Pat Hartrick (Hunter) (NC) 10/11 Lissa Hassett (Wyman) DECEASED 2014 Nancy Hertner (Montgomery) (TN) 11/20 Judy Hewitt DECEASED 2015 Cynthia Holbrook (Wynn) (SC) 01/22 Phil Holland (CA) 09/30 Pam Hollister DECEASED 2016 Ken Hook DECEASED 2008 Mary Ide (Hanson) DECEASED 1994 Donna Ions (Golden) (OH) jackgolden2 at aol dot com 04/03 Rick Irwin (NC) rirwin at bellsouth dot net 01/19 Barbara Ita DECEASED #Nola Jacobson (Bonandrini) (MI) 06/14 Donna Jennings (Cracas) (OH) Cracasdonna at yahoo dot com 06/20 Annette Jones (Yamada) (OH) aajone43 at gmail dot com 04/28 Phyllis Jones DECEASED 2018 Susan Jordan (Cornell) (NY) 07/29 Kathy Keller (Freshwater) (NC) 03/16 Carol Keysper (Danforth) DECEASED 2003 Diane King (Wotsch) (OH) 12/30 #Winnie Kitchin (Reno) (CA) wkreno at cox dot net 08/30 Arla Kobie (Scott) (OH) 01/21 David "Wiener" Koelliker (IL) dkoelliker at aol dot com 08/16 #Tim "Cozy" Kohl (CA) btkohl728 at aol dot com 01/19 Bill Kramp (CA) DECEASED 2022 Dr Clarence 'Bud' Krebs (FL) krebsbud at yahoo dot com 07/16 Sue Kulas (Zemek) (OH) jimsusan66 at aol dot com 09/06 #Pam Kullman (Bellissimo) (FL) pambell43 at msn dot com 03/10 #Dr Katherine Leahy (Spanton) (OH) 08/22 Gene Lemke (FL) 02/12 Carol Lewis (Noe) (PA) DECEASED 2019 Marge Lewis (Gehring) (FL) 03/10 Ted Lindstrom (FL) tlindtt at aol dot com 08/15 Dr. Ron "Mr Lucky" Luchini (OH) rjluchini at aol dot com 02/07 # Eddie "E1c" Mack (CT) edwardmack1943 at yahoo dot com 03/29 #Carole Maheu (Ritter) (PA) holyland3 at verizon dot net 08/11 Dr. Kathleen Mally (Petrill) (OH) 11/30 Sharon Maloney (Gale) (OH) 07/05 #John Marshall (TX) john-marshall at att dot net 05/27 Donna Maynard (Simpson) (OH) donnamarie dot bhs61 at yahoo dot com 08/09 Larry Merritt (LA) 04/15 #George Meyers (VA) gwm1944 at msn dot com 01/15 Dave Miles (MI) 07/10 Sandra Molnar (Lake) (WV) 07/19 Ed "Huey" Morris DECEASED 2018 Wendy Myers (NC) DECEASED 2019 Gary Narks (SC) 07/03 Mike Nase (SC) mnase10566 at aol dot com 07/11 #Karen Nemec (Wahl) (OH) kw3464 at hotmail dot com 04/21 Robert Nissley DECEASED 1997 #Carol Odell (Swenson) (GA,CA) carolswen1 at aol dot com 06/02 Doug O'Hara (FL) DECEASED 2021 Rick Orser (CA) orser at csi dot com 06/01 Billie Patterson (Robinson) (OH) 07/11 Bruce Payton (OK) hvacgaspiping at yahoo dot com 08/22 #Bill Perkins (FL) WilliamLPerkins at gmail dot com 03/24 Gretchen Philip (Michaud) (NM) GTWO at zianet dot com 07/19 Jeff Pocock (MA) jpocock at Verizon dot com 10/16 Patty Poulsen (Mathis) DECEASED 2019 Victor Preslan (OH) 09/30 Bill Purdy (OH) 01/07 Claudia Quigley (Limpert) (OH) limpertcal at aol dot com 08/29 Dave Raines DECEASED 1975 #Dave Reininger (OH) davidreininger at sbcglobal dot net 01/09 John Timothy Ritter DECEASED 2010 Jim Robertson DECEASED 1988 Dinah Robinson (Rucker) (NC) N/A Pat Rodman (OH) rodassoc at aol dot com 09/29 Rita Ross (Scott) (OH) kenandrita at columbus dot rr dot com 01/07 #Bob Rote (TX) therotes at sbcglobal dot net 06/18 Nikki Roth (Griffing) (MS) 01/20 David Rothgery (OR) 04/04 Jay Rounds (OH) jvr42 at cox dot net 11/11 Don Sabin (OH) N/A Jim Sadler (OH) unicornafe at gmail dot com 07/20 Peter Savon DECEASED 2022 #Dave Sawyer (SC) davealive at live dot com 03/09 Curt Saxton DECEASED 2016 Marjorie Schuster (AZ) 11/18 Jeanne Scott (Sherba) (OH) 06/23 Les Sealand DECEASED 2007 Marjorie Senet DECEASED 1984 Henry Shay (CA) 10/31 Mike Shea (FL) ABHAYASHEA at yahoo dot com 08/12 Jim Sherman DECEASED 1984 Dale "Brown Eyes" Sherry (OH) 03/05 Susan "Legs" Simpson (Haring) (OR) 04/28 Billie Smith (Garratt) (OH) 04/14 Robert K. "Buck" Smith (OH) 10/09 Rick Snevel DECEASED 2015 #Capt William Snider(TX) 01/09 #Bobbie Spangle (Flatland) (MI) bfcrafts at aol dot com 03/17 Karen Stinehelfer (NC) scrapinma at nc dot rr dot com 10/22 Barry Sugden DECEASED 2014 Jim Szilagyi DECEASED 2007 John Szilagyi DECEASED 2001 Doug Tashjian (CA) N/A Bob Toensing DECEASED 1986 #Rev. Marilyn Turner (Muehlbach) (ID) mtm23 at me dot com 10/05 Sue Van Oosten (Kocian) (OH) kocian s at yahoo dot com 05/29 Allen Walker DECEASED 2015 Herbert Walker (IN) 05/21 Mary Ellen Walsh (Cabot) (OH) 01/31 Dave "Waldo" Walters (MO) dave, at gmail dot com 04/09 Lynne Warnock (Hester) (NC) lynnewsteele at aol dot com 03/26 #JoAnne Watkins (Hansz) (NC) jwhansz at hotmail dot com 02/28 John Wells (OH) jwells37 at columbus dot rr dot com 05/09 Carol "Merry Girl" Wendler (Andrews) (VT), (SC) DECEASED 2020 Bob Westfall (CA) 07/30 Sue Wheeler (Miller) (OH) swmiller4361 at roadrunner dot com 07/09 Bill Whitesides DECEASED 2013 Bob Whitesides (OH) 05/20 Ellen Wiemels (Puglisi) (FL) 08/08 Craig "Wilde Ideas" Wilde (OH) wilkac at twc dot com 03/21 June Wilkinson (OH) 06/09 Dave Wilson (GA) wils23 at me dot com 12/29 Rev. Ralph Woehrmann (IL) ralphwoehrmann at gmail dot com 01/08 Gary Wood (CO) 05/21 Bob Woodside DECEASED 2009 Mike Worley (SC) DECEASED 2020 Bonnie Wright (Schurk) (OH) 07/06 #Jack Wright(FL) jf55wright at embarqmail dot com 05/29 Mark "Z-Wop" Zirzow (SC,NV) masunev at yahoo dot com 11/29
CLASS STATISTICS: TOTAL NAMES IN DIRECTORY - 205 NAMES WITH EMAIL ADDRESS - 73..... 57% of 142 classmates NAMES WITHOUT EMAIL ADDRESS - 59..... 43% of 142 classmates UNLOCATED CLASSMATES - 1 DECEASED CLASSMATES (YEAR DIED) - 63..... 30% of 205 classmates NUMBER OF CLASSMATES ON FACEBOOK - 47..... 30% of 160 classmates (NAMES APPEAR IN RED. with '#')
Eddie "Oneclub" Mack aka 'E1c' 151 Somerset Lane, Apt. #2, Avon Lake, OH, 44012 Phone #: 860.537.1135 Email:
'Easy' Ed Mack aka "E1c" me @
BHS-1961 ClassMates Distribution by State/Province: per Ed Morris 01/31/2017 Class Directory 49 - OH 24 - FL 12 - CA 10 - NC 7 - AZ 6 - MI,SC 5 - TX 4 - GA 3 - IL,IN,TN,VA 2 - CT,MN,MO,NJ,OK,OR,PA 1 - BC,CO,ID,LA,MA,MS,ONT,NV,NM,NY,VT,WA,WV